Dealing with tennis elbow can be a frustrating and painful experience. Thankfully, there is a way to find relief and facilitate recovery.

Myotherapy is a recognized approach to treating lateral epicondylitis that employs various techniques and offers numerous benefits. In this article, we’ll explore how myotherapy can help with tennis elbow and why it has become an essential treatment for many individuals.


Key Takeaways

  • Myotherapy stands out as a holistic and effective approach to treating tennis elbow, addressing both immediate pain relief and the underlying causes of the condition. Techniques such as massage, myofascial release, and trigger point therapy are particularly beneficial in alleviating the discomfort associated with lateral epicondylitis.
  • Alongside myotherapy, incorporating specific exercises and lifestyle changes plays a crucial role in the recovery and prevention of tennis elbow. Stretching, strengthening exercises, and ergonomic adjustments are key to reducing strain on the elbow, enhancing flexibility, and preventing further injury.
  • Professional myotherapists provide tailored treatment plans based on individual assessments, ensuring a targeted approach to each case of tennis elbow. Consistent care, coupled with prevention strategies, is essential for sustainable recovery and maintaining long-term elbow health.


What is a Tennis Elbow?


Tennis elbow, medically known as lateral epicondylitis, is a condition characterized by pain and discomfort in the outer part of the elbow. This is often due to inflammation or injury to the forearm muscles and tendons connecting to the lateral epicondyle – a bony prominence at the outer side of the elbow. Contrary to its name, tennis elbow is not limited to tennis players; the condition can affect individuals involved in various activities requiring gripping and lifting.

Tennis elbow results from the overuse of the forearm muscles and tendons that control wrist and finger movements, leading to elbow pain and discomfort. The pain arises from the tendons and forearm muscles attaching to the lateral epicondyle of the elbow, where excessive repetitive stress can cause inflammation, microscopic tears, and scarring in the tendons, ultimately disrupting normal forearm function.


Common Symptoms That You Might Be Experiencing

If you are experiencing tennis elbow, you may notice the following common tennis elbow symptoms:

  1. Pain and tenderness on the outer side of the elbow
  2. Elbow discomfort during gripping or lifting activities
  3. Weakness in the affected arm, particularly in the wrist and hand
    Stiffness in the elbow and wrist

Typically, these symptoms worsen when bending the wrist or fingers or performing activities involving grip strength.


Common Causes that Contribute to Lateral Epicondylitis

Understanding tennis elbow causes can help you take appropriate preventive measures and seek timely treatment. In most cases, tennis elbow arises from repetitive motion injuries caused by routine gripping activities. Common causes include:

Playing racquet sports, such as tennis or badminton
Manual labour that involves repetitive wrist movement, such as gardening, carpentry, or plumbing
Using hand tools frequently, like a screwdriver or hammer
Playing musical instruments, especially stringed instruments like the violin or guitar

In addition to these specific activities, any repetitive motion or overuse of the forearm muscles and tendons can contribute to the development of tennis elbow.


Essential Myotherapy Techniques for Tennis Elbow Recovery


Incorporating myotherapy into your tennis elbow recovery plan can ultimately lead to a holistic, comprehensive treatment approach that not only addresses immediate pain relief but helps to prevent the recurrence of injuries and maintain optimal musculoskeletal health. For personalised advice and recommendations, it’s recommended to consult a qualified myotherapist or healthcare provider.


Self-Massage and Trigger Point Therapy: DIY Relief Methods

With self-massage for tennis elbow, you can target the affected muscles and release tension without requiring professional assistance. Start by using your thumb or fingers to apply gentle pressure on the painful area and gradually work your way along the forearm. Alternately, a tennis ball or a massage tool can be used to target the tight forearms muscles efficiently.


Myofascial Release: Easing Arm and Forearm Tension

Myofascial release is a technique focusing on releasing muscle tension by targeting the tight and stressed-out muscles in your arm and forearm. This therapy aids in relaxing muscles and improving blood circulation, providing relief to the lateral epicondyle’s stressed tendons. A foam roller or a massage ball may be used at home to achieve effective myofascial release.


Therapeutic Exercises: Strengthening and Flexibility Routines

Taking part in targeted stretching and strengthening tennis elbow exercises can play a crucial role in speeding up the recovery process by improving flexibility and building the strength of the affected muscles and tendons. Some of the recommended exercises include:

  1. Wrist flexor and extensor stretches
  2. Eccentric wrist curls
  3. Radial and ulnar deviation exercises

When performing these strengthening and flexibility routines, ensure proper technique and avoid overwork to promote recovery and prevent further injury.


Complementary Therapies and Lifestyle Adjustments for Tennis Elbow


While myotherapy can be an integral component in the treatment of tennis elbow, incorporating complementary therapies and making necessary lifestyle adjustments can accelerate the natural healing process and provide additional relief. This holistic approach ensures that you are addressing the root cause of the condition and promoting long-term elbow health.

Some of the complementary therapies that can be beneficial in the journey to recovery include:

Specific stretches to improve flexibility and relieve muscle tension
Herbal remedies such as turmeric and ginger possess anti-inflammatory properties
Essential oils like lavender and peppermint for massage and pain relief
Dietary changes to promote inflammation reduction and increase essential nutrients

Besides implementing these therapeutic alternatives, be mindful of the importance of lifestyle modifications for optimal recovery. Rest is crucial for allowing the affected tendons to heal, so it’s essential to avoid any activities that may exacerbate the condition. During the initial stages of treatment, applying ice to the elbow can help alleviate inflammation and manage pain levels.

As you progress in your recovery, analyze the factors contributing to tennis elbow and make necessary alterations in your daily life. This may include:

  • Adapting your sports or work techniques to reduce strain on the arm and elbow
  • Using ergonomic equipment and devices designed to alleviate pressure on the elbow joint
  • Incorporating regular breaks during activities that involve repetitive gripping or lifting
  • Gradually rebuilding strength and flexibility in the forearm muscles through appropriate exercises

By embracing a comprehensive approach that combines myotherapy, complementary therapies, and lifestyle adjustments, you are well on your way to achieving sustainable relief and recovery from tennis elbow.


What to Expect during a Session with Professional Myotherapy Treatments


Undergoing professional myotherapy assessment and treatment can make a significant difference in your journey to find relief from tennis elbow pain.

Here’s what you can expect when attending a session with a qualified myotherapist:


Assessment and Tailored Treatments

Your initial consultation with a qualified myotherapist will often include a comprehensive evaluation to understand the extent and particulars of your condition. They will ask you about your symptoms, any contributing factors, and your medical history. Based on this assessment, the myotherapist will develop a tailored myotherapy treatment plan suited to your specific needs.

This individualised approach enables the myotherapist to address the root causes of your discomfort and provide the most effective course of action for your recovery process.


Hands-On Techniques Used by Qualified Myotherapists

Qualified myotherapists utilise a range of hands-on myotherapy techniques designed to alleviate pain, enhance mobility, and facilitate healing. Some of the most common treatment modalities include:

  1. Massage therapy – targeting muscle tightness and tension in the forearm muscles.
  2. Myofascial release – addressing adhesions and restrictions in the connective tissue surrounding your muscles.
  3. Trigger point therapy – focusing on specific points within your muscles that contribute to pain and dysfunction.

These techniques, performed by skilled practitioners, can positively impact your elbow and forearm regions and help to provide relief from tennis elbow discomfort.

Your progress will depend on various factors such as the severity of your condition, your commitment to the treatment plan, and any lifestyle adjustments you make to support healing. It is essential to regularly communicate with your myotherapist about any changes in your symptoms and adhere to their guidance for the best outcomes.




Tennis elbow, or lateral epicondylitis, is more than just a sports injury; it’s a condition that can significantly impact daily life due to pain and limited mobility. Myotherapy offers a beacon of hope, providing a holistic and effective approach to treatment.

By combining hands-on techniques like massage and myofascial release with tailored therapeutic exercises, myotherapy addresses the root causes of tennis elbow, promoting healing and preventing future recurrences. It’s a comprehensive treatment that not only brings immediate relief but also empowers individuals with strategies for long-term elbow health.

Whether you’re an athlete or someone struggling with daily tasks due to tennis elbow, embracing myotherapy could be your key to recovery and a pain-free life.