Myotherapy for Muscle Strains and Sprains

Myotherapy for Muscle Strains and Sprains

A strain is a condition where a muscle or tendon is stretched or torn. Tendons are the soft tissues that connect muscles to bones. On the other hand, a sprain is an injury to the ligaments and capsule of a joint in the body. Common sites for strains include the calf,...
49 injuries that can be treated by myotherapy

49 injuries that can be treated by myotherapy

Experiencing muscle or joint pain can be a significant setback, but there’s good news: myotherapy offers a promising solution. It’s a treatment method that addresses a wide range of injuries, providing more than just temporary relief. Myotherapy delves...

Hurt vs Injured

Hurt vs Injured? What is the difference?   Everyone active will ask themselves this one day:  Am I injured or am I hurt? Can I push through, or should I stop and seek medical attention? This is a common question after you tweak something or land wrong while exercising...

Understanding tissue Healing time

A quick guide for understanding your recovery  It’s a real pain sustaining an injury a few weeks before an event or an injury that slows you down at work or even worse, forces you to take time off. Everyone is different and there are a lot of factors that can...

My Take on Body Maintenance

My Take on Body Maintenance:      If your facebook feed is like mine, you probably get bombarded with foam rolling techniques, stretches, massage strokes, massage tools etc.  But what is actually better for you? Stretching, foam rolling, remedial massage,...
The new meaning of PEACE AND LOVE

The new meaning of PEACE AND LOVE

According a to recent article published on the British Journal of Sports medicine, the RICE protocol (Rest Ice Compress and Elevate) needs to be replaced by PEACE AND LOVE. The reasoning behind the new protocol is that the RICE protocol focuses mainly on the acute...